7th July 1825

Wrote an answer to Hesseys letter of the 30th of June which contained a draft for my dividend & salary & enquired after the stoppage of the new poems also was forced to solicit them anew to send me £10 which I want to pay off my half-yearly accounts.
(An excerpt from Clare's letter)
To Hessey
Addressed: Messrs. Taylor and Hessey, 93 Fleet Stt London.
July. 7. 1825

my dear hessey

I recieved your letter of the 30 of June enclosing my sallary of £15 safe but in, my, letter to Taylor I told him that I shoud want £10 more then my half yearly dividend & therefore I was dissapointed in paying off my accounts as they exceed the present means... the 'proofs' have, grown into a standstill again I doubt, I keep expecting them every day lately & am expecting on I feel very 'anxious to see the end of it & have strong hopes that I shall get paid for the dedication or I shall be curst mad if I am dissapomted. I shall always be glad to correspond with you & if the alteration between you & Taylor* had made any difference in that much-less broken it up altogether I shoud have felt a great dissapointment but when business is out of the question you must not plead so often busy to get off with short letters for I like plenty of news & a sheetfull tho I am not in the situation to demand it for tho I am not busy I am not able to get on with a long letter for I am very dull headed & very ill not far short of being as bad as I was this time last year with you & I am so far from my old assistance that I feel in a delicate situation of telling my complaints on paper too often tho Dr D always kindly bids me write Kim how I am when ever I feel worse which I have done several times since I wrote him last but I wait & wait to see if I get better & somtimes feeling or fancying I am so I delay it a little further my family are all pretty well just now here comes the blank in my head & I /sit gaping to see what I can say further—I can find little or nothing so I must give my remembrances to Mrs Hessey & remain your debtor for a better letter next time

yours sincerely


*The firm of Taylor and Hessgy was dissolved at midsummer 1825, Hessey retaining the retailing and Taylor the publishing. Taylor also sold the London Magazine to Henry Southern. '

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